Insultherm® Calcium Silicate insulation board and Pipe Cover are made from tobermolite (5CaO.6SiO2.5H2 0)
crystal reinforced with non-asbestos fibres. It is a rigid material exhibiting high compressive strength, low
shrinkage value and low thermal conductivity, high heat resistance at high service temperature. It is non-toxic and
chemically stable. It is known for its stability in different temperatures, asbestos-free, non-corrosive to stainless
steel and maintains high thermal insulation properties even at 650 o (Type I) and 1000 o (Type II).
Insultherm® calcium silicate insulation materials have been used in various applications like Pipeline Facilities in
Petroleum Refinery Chemical Industry, Oil Tank Insulation, Hydroelectricity, Nuclear Power, Thermal Power, City
Heat Supply Network Insulation, Kitchen Duct, Exhaust Insulation, and Curved Slabs for Vessel/Equipment
Insulation, Wall Insulation, Engine Exhaust Insulation, Insulation Slab, and Hotline Insulation and Thermal Support
Insultherm Middle east L.L.C is the manufacturer and supplier of Calcium Silicate insulation material located in the
United Arab Emirates (UAE). With our diverse technical base of the highest quality in terms of skills, knowledge
and expertise, we are executing projects across the globe. Insultherm® calcium silicate insulation materials have
been approved by reputed consultants with excellent technical compliance that exceeds/meets all of the
requirements of ASTM C533, Type I & II.